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7-05-2023, 12:10
How to Write Shorthand (Teeline, Pitman, or Gregg)
In this day and age, when smartphones are ubiquitous, you might wonder how often you'd use shorthand if you learned it. Plenty of times, it turns out! Whether you're a student or need to take quick notes at a meeting or while you're on a call, the ability to write notes by hand more quickly is always a valuable skill. Read on to learn about the 3 major styles of shorthand so you can
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21-08-2021, 21:10
How to Have Elegant Handwriting
Whether you want to create detailed calligraphy or beautifully embossed letters, learning to write elegantly is a skill that requires time and determination. There are practical steps you can take to make your writing fancier. However, in order to develop your skills fully, you must find the right materials, strike the correct pose, and practice your writing daily. Before you know it,
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10-08-2021, 20:00
How to Teach a Child to Write
When your kid is first learning to write, it can be an exciting and frustrating time. However, if you don't try too much too soon, it can be fun for you and your kid. Take some time to help your child build muscles, then move on to gripping a crayon or a marker. You can also work on fun letter games to get your child interested, and then work with marker and paper.
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1-08-2021, 19:30
1 153
How to Make Letters of the English Alphabet
Writing all 26 letters of the English alphabet can seem like a challenge. But if you are going to master the English language on the page, you will need to be able to use the alphabet to form words and sentences. Whether you are teaching yourself, or your child, how to write the letters of the English alphabet, it's important to start slow and practice each letter until they are easy to
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6-02-2021, 21:00
How to Have Beautiful Writing
Handwriting can seem like an ancient relic in our modern world; some even claim that teaching cursive writing in schools is “obsolete” and a “waste of time.” But everyone needs to put pen to paper at least occasionally, and good handwriting is not only easier to read, it makes a better impression than illegible “chicken scratch.” Whether you just want to improve your everyday writing,
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15-12-2020, 01:30
How to Copy Someone's Handwriting
Your handwriting is a representation of you, so you may decide that you would like to improve it or change the style in which you write. If there is a particular form of handwriting, or a particular person’s, you may be able to adopt their style of penmanship and make your handwriting resemble the writing of others. Although the process is fairly simple, it requires quite a bit of
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18-10-2020, 20:30
How to Improve Your Handwriting
Having good handwriting is useful for writing letters and cards and filling out important paperwork. If you wish your handwriting was a little easier to read, don’t worry! There are a few techniques you can use to make your handwriting more legible and aesthetically pleasing.
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12-10-2020, 17:20
1 079
How to Change Your Handwriting
If you always get comments on how sloppy your handwriting is, maybe you're ready to change it up. You can simply improve it with a few tips or by focusing on how you make your letters. However, if you want a different style completely, that will take more practice, though it is still doable.
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8-10-2020, 21:50
How to Write Beautifully
Everyone's handwriting is unique, like a fingerprint. All you have to do is tweak your penmanship a little bit and you'll have beautiful and interesting handwriting. Beautiful writing is classy, tasteful, impressive, and attractive.
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26-03-2018, 18:00
How to Compare Handwriting Samples
Handwriting analysis is both an art and a science. Whether you want to compare handwriting samples for fun or for legal or forensic purposes, you’ll need a sharp eye. The first step is to obtain samples, which typically include a sample in question and several documents you know someone actually wrote. Examine each document individually, and look for formal, formatting, and stylistic