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19-08-2021, 15:00
How to Heal Your Face After Picking
It’s natural and fine to lightly pick and scratch the skin on your face sometimes, but picking until you cause wounds signifies a problem. No matter the cause for your skin picking, rest assured that you can find ways to overcome it and heal your face. Follow a healthy skin care routine to nurture your face as it heals, take simple measures to make it less tempting to pick, and address
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21-07-2021, 12:30
How to Wash an Acne Prone Face
If you struggle with acne, you might feel like washing your skin isn't doing much good or makes the redness worse. Fortunately, you can improve the health of your skin if you choose cleansers that contain antimicrobial ingredients. Be gentle as you massage the cleanser into your skin and don't rub as you rinse the cleanser away. Preventing irritation will give your acne-prone skin a
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19-07-2021, 07:50
How to Reduce Face Fat
Maybe you don’t want such a full face or feel you’ve got chubby cheeks. You should always embrace the looks you were born with because confidence is the best attractiveness boost. That being said, there are ways you can naturally make your face look slimmer.
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19-05-2021, 15:50
How to Make Your Face Look Bright and Awake
Many factors contribute to a dull, tired looking face. Red eyes, uneven complexions, and puffy faces are a dead giveaway that you are not feeling rested and ready for the day, and like most people, you need to look your best. Whether it's sitting through a long meeting, giving an early presentation after a busy night, or struggling with insomnia, everyone has faced the challenge of
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10-05-2021, 20:40
How to Lessen a Double Chin
Double chins are often a natural result of aging or gaining a little weight. If you'd like to slim down your chin area, there are several approaches you can take. Getting the right haircut, doing chin exercises, and having good posture are easy changes you can make right away.
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16-04-2021, 09:10
How to Have a Smooth Face
One of the main reasons why skin is rough is from acne. Getting rid of acne may help to improve your skin’s texture and this is often possible using good cleansing techniques and special treatments like benzoyl peroxide and alpha hydroxyl acid. However, if your skin does not seem to respond to these treatments after a few weeks, then you may need to see a dermatologist. A dermatologist
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20-02-2021, 03:50
How to Treat Dry Facial Skin
If you have dry skin on your face, chances are you feel like you've already tried everything. Even after slathering your face with all manner of lotions, creams, and oils designed for extra-dry skin, it still looks dry and flaky. Treating dry facial skin is a multi-step process that involves changing the way you wash, exfoliate, moisturize and care for your skin every day. Following a
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8-02-2021, 06:30
How to Apply Raw Milk on Your Face
Raw milk is milk that has not been heated or pasteurized to remove germs and bacteria. This means that it keeps its natural fat and protein structure, which are both great for rejuvenating and healing your skin. You can use raw milk to moisturize and tone your face every day, or mix it with honey or turmeric to even out your skin tone a few times a week. Use caution when you apply raw
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1-12-2020, 17:40
How to Cover Dark Spots on Your Face
Dark spots on your face are usually caused by acne scars or sun damage. Although they’re usually not harmful, you may dislike the way they look. Fortunately, dark spots are easy to hide and can fade over time. The best way to hide dark spots is with makeup, especially concealer. If you don’t want to wear makeup, you can try hiding dark spots with your hair or accessories, like hats.
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28-11-2020, 23:40
No More Morning Puffy Face: Prevent Bloating with Diet and Rest
While waking up with a puffy face might be annoying or embarrassing, it's usually no cause for concern. If you regularly have a puffy face in the morning, changes to your eating and sleeping habits may help it go away naturally. However, if your puffy face (technically called "facial edema") is accompanied by other symptoms, such as throat swelling, difficulty breathing, or facial