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18-04-2021, 15:00
How to Add Color to Beeswax
Beeswax is an all-natural substance that can be used to make candles, cosmetics, and molds. If you want, you can easily add color to beeswax creations by melting beeswax with dye. This can be an exciting project to keep you occupied for an afternoon. With a little time and effort, you can make beautiful beeswax creations.
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10-03-2021, 10:00
How to Make a Seal
In the past, seals were used to close letters. They were made from melted wax, and then stamped with a special design, usually a family crest or initial. You can still buy stamps for making wax seals, as well as the wax itself, but what if you wanted something more unique? Luckily, it is possible to make your very own stamp for wax seals. You can also easily make your own seals using
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24-02-2021, 17:30
How to Preserve Cut Flowers With Wax
Cut flower arrangements and bouquets brighten up rooms and lend a special meaning to momentous occasions such as birthday, anniversaries, graduations and weddings but unfortunately they only last for a week or 10 days. Preserving cut flowers with wax can offer a helpful solution to ensure the longevity of your bouquets. It involves dipping the flowers in paraffin wax and hanging them to
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1-02-2021, 18:10
How to Make Skate Wax
Many skaters rely on quality skate wax to easily pull off grinds and other tricks. Ordering from a skate shop gets costly, but you can make your own wax at home for a fraction of the price. Make a basic wax by melting candles or crayons in the oven, or do it on a stove to keep a closer eye on the quality. As you get used to the process, try using raw paraffin and beeswax for even better
Опубликовал Admin
3-11-2020, 21:00
How to Melt Beeswax
Beeswax is a wonderful material to work with, but it can be dangerous when it’s hot. Melt it down slowly using low heat for the best results. With a few simple materials, you can easily prepare a double boiler, a crock pot water bath, or a solar oven to slowly to evenly warm up your beeswax. Make sure you’re constantly monitoring the melting beeswax so that it doesn’t scorch. Remember