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8-06-2021, 01:00
How to Teach a Hawk‐Headed Parrot to Speak
Hawk-headed parrots are unique birds and are popular among bird owners. They have the ability to raise the feathers on their head and neck to look bigger, much like a hawk. Hawk-headed parrots are loyal, playful pets, and they can be trained to talk. You can teach your parrot to speak by talking and singing to it regularly. You should then reward the parrot when it talks so it is
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6-06-2021, 22:20
How to Keep a Cockatiel Healthy
Cockatiels can be rather hardy birds, but this doesn't mean that they don't require some care. You should keep them healthy. Start at step one to learn how to do just that.
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31-05-2021, 12:50
How to Care for Your Baby Budgie
If you have a new baby budgie, you can help him develop healthily and happily by being attentive and providing the right environment. Allow the parents to care for the chick in the first weeks, but lend a hand and monitor everything. Once the chick begins to leave the nest, you can facilitate the weaning process. Once the chick is ready, you can take him away from the nesting box.
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23-05-2021, 23:50
How to Stop Birds from Attacking Windows
Some territorial birds will attack windows during their breeding season. When they see their reflection, they think another bird has entered their breeding ground and will aggressively peck or fly at the window. To prevent or stop birds from attacking your windows, you can reduce the reflection in your window pane, set up precautionary measures to scare birds away, or simply block the
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23-05-2021, 12:20
How to Tame a Cockatiel
Tame cockatiels can be great fun for petting, playing, or even dancing to music, but it can take some time and effort to get to that point. When taming cockatiels, it's important to proceed slowly, training him or her in short sessions and in a quiet area. If your cockatiel is young, you are likely to have more luck and move faster in training.
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20-05-2021, 04:20
How to Keep Multiple Cockatiels
Since cockatiels are such great pets, if you have one, you may want to get another. However, if you are considering keeping multiple cockatiels, there are some things to keep in mind. Above all, make sure that you introduce cockatiels to each other properly and that you meet the needs of multiple birds. This will ensure that you successfully care for all the cockatiels in your household.
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8-05-2021, 09:10
How to Stop Feather Plucking in Parakeets
Parakeets make great pets, but sometimes they may pluck their feathers. This behavior is not healthy and may be a sign of anxiety or an underlying medical issue. By ruling out medical causes and reducing your parakeet’s stress, you can minimize this undesirable habit and keep your pet happy.
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12-04-2021, 14:40
How to Catch Crows
Catching crows is typically something that's best done by professionals, but if you really want to capture them yourself, there's a trap you can use to help you do it. Crows are a protected species, so it's important that you look up any rules or laws about handling them before you try to catch one. It's easiest to catch a crow if you place a live decoy bird in the trap to lure it in,
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9-04-2021, 14:00
How to Be a Birdwatcher
Birdwatching is a fun pastime that promotes both physical and mental activity. It requires you to walk around to spot the birds, helping your body stay active. You also have to compare the characteristics of the birds you see to those listed in your field guide, always pushing your brain to learn more about the topic. If you are interested in becoming a birdwatcher, there are a few
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9-04-2021, 01:30
How to Make Parrot Bread
Let's say you own a pet bird (or know someone who does) and enjoy baking. Or maybe you want to make a delectable treat for a parrot or two in your life. How about you want to make something healthy for a feathered friend? If any of these statements apply to you, you should definitely make Parrot Bread! It's easy to make, nutritious, and birds go crazy over it! Read on to find out how to