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10-01-2021, 06:40
How to Litter Train Your Ferret
Litter training a ferret is easy with a little patience and understanding. Set up a litter box in your ferret's cage, using litter that's safe for ferrets. Train your ferret using positive reinforcement. Keep the litter box clean, as a ferret is unlikely to use a dirty litter box.
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7-01-2021, 05:00
How to Train a Ferret Not to Bite
Nipping, also known as biting, is a common behavior for ferrets. They bite for different reasons, and young ferrets do not even realize that biting can be hurtful. You must train a ferret that biting is for toys, not people. With time, consistency, and patience, a ferret can learn not to bite and be a safe, fun pet.
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5-01-2021, 12:30
How to Transport a Guinea Pig
While it isn't advised to transport your guinea unless necessary, sometimes guinea pigs must be transferred from one place to another in the case where they need to see a vet, or the owner is moving houses. When transporting guinea pigs, it's important to consider their exceptionally shy nature. Start by purchasing a suitable pet-carrier for your guinea pig, and researching your guinea
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4-01-2021, 12:40
How to Know if Your Hamster Is Healthy
Hamsters are a popular pet in the United States. On average, hamsters live between two and two and a half years. Like any pet, hamsters are prone to certain health conditions. They may experience minor ailments, like the occasional cold, or develop chronic health problems like diabetes. You should periodically examine your hamster to make sure he is healthy and safe.
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30-12-2020, 23:20
How to Tell if a Dwarf Hamster Is Obese
Dwarf hamsters are tiny species of hamster that only grow to be 2–4 inches (5.1–10.2 cm) long. Even though all hamsters have really fast metabolisms, they can still get chubby if they're fed too much or don't exercise enough. A dwarf hamster's lifespan can be between 1.5 and 3 years. You should keep track of your hamster's weight on a regular basis throughout his life so you can alter
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27-12-2020, 06:30
How to Care for a Young Rat
Rats are lively and intelligent creatures that can grow into great pets with the proper care and handling. At birth, baby rats, also called “kittens,” are only about 1 ⁄2 in (3.8 cm) long and are hairless, blind and deaf. They need to stay with their mother, who will nurse and care for them, for 4-5 weeks. After weaning, they require good nutrition, socialization, proper housing,
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24-12-2020, 20:20
How to Treat Mites in Chinchillas
Because of chinchillas' soft and thick fur, mites can be a serious problem. Not only can mites bother your little friend, but they can irritate its skin and cause hair loss. However, mites are relatively easy to overcome. By limiting the chance of mites spreading, consulting your veterinarian, and caring for your chinchilla at home, you’ll be able to successfully treat mites and limit
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24-12-2020, 19:40
How to Catch an Escaped Pet Rat
Although rats are very social creatures, they can also be extremely independent. It isn't uncommon for your rat to run off from time to time and if it doesn't return on its own, you may need to set some humane traps to catch it without injuring it.
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23-12-2020, 10:40
How to Prepare a Hamster Cage
Hamsters are fun and adorable pets to keep! If you’re thinking about adopting one, however, the first thing you’ll have to do is prepare a cage for it. Fortunately, even if you’ve never had a hamster before, this isn’t as hard as you might think! All it involves is picking out the right cage for your species of hamster, then filling it with some basic amenities and toys.
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17-12-2020, 02:50
How to Treat Your Sick Hamster
It is always sad when any pet becomes ill. Hamsters have a way of endearing themselves to their owners and they are so small, so it's worrying when they feel unwell. Your hamster's small size means he isn't particularly resilient when it comes to being ill and fighting infection. It's important to prevent sickness where you can, and if your hamster is ill, take steps as soon as possible