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22-06-2023, 12:10
How to Learn Speed Reading: Techniques & Skimming Tips
Whether you’re studying for your philosophy class or flipping through the morning newspaper, reading can seem like such a chore, especially because it can take so long. But what if we told you there was a faster way to read? Speed reading is a skill that allows people to process information quickly with skimming techniques. So, how do you learn and master this amazing skill? We’ll show
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11-08-2021, 07:10
How to Read While Walking
We usually read sitting down, at a table or in a comfortable and cozy recliner. Reading while walking is an option that most people ignore. But reading while walking has some benefits in that you can exercise while learning or entertaining yourself, and save yourself a lot of time. Remember, though, wherever you read while walking, be careful, it’s potentially dangerous if you’re not
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9-08-2021, 00:20
How to Be Well Read
If you want to be well-read, then, in the words of William Faulkner, you'll have to "Read, read, read. Read everything..." You can start at the very beginning, or just make your way down an eclectic list of books that you'd like to read. What's important is that you pick books that are lively, challenging, and which broaden your horizons. If you want to be well-read, here are some tips
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7-07-2021, 18:20
How to Be a Good Reader
Many people enjoy reading as a way to relax and enrich their minds. Reading is also an increasingly critical skill to learn and develop to be successful in school and in the professional world. By gathering the right reading materials, employing a few strategies to increase your skills, and maintaining a positive attitude, you can improve your reading or help a child become a better
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9-06-2021, 12:10
How to Read at Night
Reading at night is a pleasant and calming activity that many people enjoy. A few unique challenges can present themselves, though, and include the risk of inadequate comfort and light, potentially keeping yourself awake, and disturbing your sleeping partner. Be sure to select your reading material wisely, and prop yourself up with pillows to ensure comfort and back support. If you’re
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21-05-2021, 00:50
How to Read a Newspaper
The art of reading newspapers seems to be dying out as more potential readers turn to other sources for information, particularly Internet publications like blogs and opinion sites. Whether you're reading to find a connection to your community, for greater knowledge about world events, or to relax while enjoying a coffee, here is a good way to get into newspaper reading.
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6-05-2021, 11:00
How to Read Email
Email is a primary method of communication today. Emails are sent and received for business and personal purposes. Almost everyone has at least one email address, and sometimes your inbox can accumulate many email messages in the course of a day. You can read email at home or while traveling, thanks to smartphones and laptops.
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22-02-2021, 02:10
How to Love Reading
In this day and age, many people do not read for pleasure. There are many reasons for this. Some may believe that reading takes too much time or effort. Others may never have enjoyed reading at school and can't imagine doing it for fun. Some may simply never have encountered an environment that fostered a love of reading. However, reading can greatly enhance your life experience, and
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11-02-2021, 21:20
How to Remember What You Read
In order to remember what you read, you need to become a critical, active reader. Become a critical reader by knowing your purpose for reading the material, creating mental pictures of important concepts and ideas, and by asking yourself questions as you read the material. Finally, store the information in your long-term memory bank by discussing the material with others, rewording the
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8-02-2021, 18:30
How to Read a Novel
Enjoying novels is not always easy. Reading requires you to put effort into the novel otherwise you end up lost, bored, and confused. The best novels, however, always reward you for the effort, showing off a depth and power that you might have missed while skimming. Though reading a novel takes work, it is enjoyable, low-stress work. With a little practice reading even difficult books