Опубликовал Admin
25-10-2016, 10:35
2 129
How to Draw Deadpool
Deadpool is a popular antihero in the Marvel Comics Universe. To draw Deadpool, create a simple outline and slowly define the details until you can recognize the character. When finished, darken the lines and add color as desired.
Опубликовал Admin
19-10-2016, 23:40
Are you a fan of Teen Titans? Do you love Terra and her tough personality? Here is a short guide on how to be like Terra from the classic Teen Titans cartoon!
Опубликовал Admin
8-10-2016, 04:15
How to Be Like Applejack
Do you like Applejack from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic? Do you want to be just like her? With some hard work and dedication, you can!
Опубликовал Admin
2-10-2016, 10:40
12 846
How to Act Like The Joker
The joker, the green haired maniacal villain who has plagued Batman for as long as we can remember, was described by the late Heath Ledger as 'a psychopathic mass-murdering schizophrenic clown with zero empathy'. Despite this, some of us would like to be or look like him. These tips will help you imitate Heath Ledger's portrayal of the Joker from the Batman movie: 'The Dark Knight'.
Опубликовал Admin
29-09-2016, 02:25
How to Act Like Stargirl from Stargirl
Stargirl is a character who seems bigger than life itself. It doesn't seem right to call her a character, as she seems like a real person. She is an incredibly free spirited person. Even though it would seem difficult to be like her, since she is so unique, you can become your own Stargirl.